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Blog Archive

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

At-Home Tips to Deal with Stress and Anxiety Feb 7th, 2023

Do you often feel stressed or anxious? If so, Shakil Tukdi, MD, and our team of mental health specialists at Ultimate Psychiatry in Plano, Frisco, Prosper, and Pearland, Texas, can help you learn how to control your reactions to circumstances and live well again. We offer personalized help for anxiety,...

Help! I Think My Loved One is Bipolar Jan 19th, 2023

Everyone has times when they’re feeling up and times when they feel down. This is part of what makes recognizing bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive disorder, such a challenge.  As a mood-affecting psychiatric condition, bipolar disorder causes mood cycles that swing between low-energy depressive phases and high-energy manic phases. But the severity, duration,...

I'm Keeping My Spouse Up at Night with My Chronic Insomnia Dec 1st, 2022

It’s normal to have trouble falling asleep from time to time. When something in the normal routine changes, such as with travel, a big deadline at work, illness, or having a new puppy or baby in the house, we can all struggle.  For about one-third of U.S. adults, however, sleep disorders make sleep a...

The Link Between Sleep and Mental Health Nov 1st, 2022

Did you know that sleep disorders are more common in people with a mental health disorder? This is because living with mental illness can cause sleeping issues, and sleeping problems can have a negative effect on your mental state. Board-certified psychiatrist Shakil Tukdi, MD, and the team of mental health providers at Ultimate Psychiatry in...

Ways to Manage Your Mental Health That Don't Require a Prescription Aug 31st, 2022

Did you know at least one in five American adults struggles with mental health issues? Mental illness can affect all aspects of your life, including your thinking, behavior, mood, relationships, and physical health.  Many treatment options for mental health disorders exist. At Ultimate Psychiatry in Plano, Frisco, Prosper, and Pearland,...

5 Signs Your Anxiety is Problematic Jun 1st, 2022

About one-fifth of American adults experience problematic anxiety. But only around one-third of the people with this common mental health disorder get treatment. Often, this happens when people don’t know the signs that it’s time to seek help. Triple-board-certified psychiatrist Shakil Tukdi, MD, and his team of mental health experts...

How Untreated Depression Can Harm Your Physical Health May 17th, 2022

If you’re struggling with depression, you’re in good company. More than 21 million American adults experience major depressive disorder. This makes it one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States. At Ultimate Psychiatry, with offices in Plano, Frisco, and Prosper, Texas, triple-board-certified psychiatrist Shakil Tukdi, MD,...

Myths and Facts About Bipolar Disorder Apr 21st, 2022

It’s become commonplace for people to describe a person who contradicts themselves or expresses high and low emotions as bipolar. And it’s easy to understand why: Drastic mood swings characterize bipolar disorder. But the clinical diagnosis of bipolar disorder is more complicated than that. At Ultimate Psychiatry in Plano, Frisco,...